As I climbed down the gym steps, I observed something which was quite similar to what was happening today.
There was a big marriage function in the hall adjoining the gym and there was a wall separating me and the sprawling lawn sprayed with people, delicacies on the tables. I could see all of this through the slits designed in the wall. Far away in Chandigarh a similar fest was on. Punnu (Puneet), my friend since class 5th (or was it 4th) was getting married to Neetu (Bhavneet), again my very good friend. The wall in this case was obviously the distance while frequent updates by Rompy played the role of slits in the wall.
24th November will be registered as the first momentous occasion in the history of my core group of closest friends. Unfortunately, I will follow up on the proceedings on the DVD only. I think it is quite a logical and blissful turn on the path which, as far as my memory goes, came to light when clandestine STD calls were made when we friends were on a week long holiday in Shimla. Now that I try to remember, I really don’t recall which year or which Shimla trip it was. Guess Rompy can help me on this.
And now that I have mentioned Shimla trips, guess they have missed a place on this blog till now. They were exceptional and demand a mention here.. Sometime soon!!