What used to be one of the time pass during boring lectures in college?
For us mechies (and I am sure for many many others), one of the Lecture Time Activities (LTA) was Paper Ball Bombing – done usually by the back benchers. It included:
- Precision Bombing – Targets were generally of 3 categories:
- One who got irritated by such things. Of course how in the world can you leave such a target alone
- Who had the reputation of hitting back. This was to start world wars- mostly between 3rd and 5th rows. What better ways for a time pass than being involved in a World War.
- Teachers – Not exactly Teachers but Teacher’s Area – going beyond the first benches. Sometimes this was to add thrill and excitement to the proceedings.(Yes, even world wars can get boring at times). At other times, it was accidental. It happens during a war – sometimes civilian areas get hit by off target missiles. Once, one such thrilling shot had landed quite close and prompted the ‘not so adept at English’ teacher to say “Who put this paper here??”
Put???? Some body tell her we are not in Olympics playing Shot Put here. This is a Damn Bloody War going on here!!!
OK.OK . This Olympic Shot Put thing is a bad PJ..
- One who got irritated by such things. Of course how in the world can you leave such a target alone
- Carpet Bombing - This involved throwing several small paper balls in air which landed all over the class, quite often leading to mayhem as everyone, including the third world countries.. I mean the first benchers.. were armed now.
One reason for this was to show it to the world (the class) that back benchers are still the super powers.
Second reason, to start wars between smaller nations.
And of course world wars were always the favorites.
Some times some dare devils in front also attempted carpet bombing on the super powers. The response varied.- It could be taking out the enemy completely by precision bombing so that he could not raise his head for another 10 lectures.
- Or it could be again a start of Big War.
An interesting amendment to the carpet bombing once took place during Holi. Half the class had been immersed in the vibrant colors of the festival while many who had shied away were sitting clean. In fact it was due to them that the class had not been mass bunked. So these clean people had to be taken to the cleaners.
Hence, it was the yellow, blue, green and red colors of life those were used to carpet bomb the whole class. But this unusual warfare had resulted in some big time casualties for the Super Powers - by the teacher of course... but who wants to be sitting all colored up in the class ?? - It could be taking out the enemy completely by precision bombing so that he could not raise his head for another 10 lectures.
What Future may Hold for such LTA's with Technology so rampant in Colleges
Paper balls from the era of vasco-da-gama...
Bas naam le ke fire karo...and it hits the target
(refer Andaz Apna Apna)
Thanks to Fleiger for bringing to my notice an important weapon which I completely missed out - Chalks... They were the Tomahawk missiles - guaranteed accuracy as almost all of the superpowers were also very good cricketers..They were many times the decisive factors in deciding the war and unlike real expensive missiles, came free of cost...